Long Time Coming

Thanks so much for stopping by my newest blog. I have always had a passion for photography and I have finally decided to take this love to the next level. I am not quite ready to jump head first into a website per say but I thought this blogspot would showcase what many friends call my "talent" and put my name out there for any people interested in my work. Hope you enjoy what you see and contact me if you would like to set up an appointment!

Friday, September 24, 2010

New Email

Hey everyone just wanted to let anyone interested in getting information about sessions know that I put together a new email to be contacted at. Its Boussonphotography@yahoo.com. Trying to keep up with facebook, word of mouth and my personal email is starting to get the best of me and with this new email address i hope to consolidate all photo inquiries which in return will help with email response time and session scheduling. I can no longer guarantee a timely response if I am texted, facebook'ed or emailed at my personal address.Thanks so much in advance for your understanding.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Out of Office

Yeah so I must apologize bc I am way better at updating facebook than this blog. I have been crazy busy with sessions lately and I am afraid I am to far behind to even try to catch up (with bloggers lack of speed in the picture department I would be here for years) so I wont but they are all avaiable to view on facebook on the Boussonphotography page. I will however resume my post with such a wonderful announcment and some pics too. As of last saturday I officially have my first wedding behind me! Yup thats right I photographed a wedding and survuved ans since then I have had 2 inquiries for future weddings. I would love to say yes right off the bat but i am still a little hesitant I mean weddings are a HUGE deal you know like a ONCE in a lifetime thing (yeah I understand thats not necessarily the case for some but you get my drift). What I am saying is that my motto has always been that this is something I love that I feel God gave me to share with others. With portrait sessions I can always "re-shoot" if they dont turn out, I mean I would probably never get called to do their family pictures anymore but atleast I know I delivered a great product/service. With a wedding its a little different as in you only get one shot so DONT screw it up! This is the part that makes me nervous. All I can do is continue to go strong and take pics often and LEARN all those manual settings ( I shoot in manual but I often find myself in aperture priority with my f/stop wide open...not ideal in most people eyes but i love it) For this wedding shoot I made sure to jump out of the box and try my hand at full onmanual I think i did good but i did become quick with my left hand switching into av mode to get the same shot i got in manual ( cant lode good shots in effort to learn hehe) Well enough technical talk the couple I had the pleasure of photographing was Mary & Will. Another client gave them my info and the rest was history :) They were so fun and carefree and so in LOVE it was oozing from every pore ( and talk about infectious attitudes I was in such a great mood after shooting their pics) We did a "wedding shoot" at Overton Park a few days before the ceremony and it went awesome and then saturday I drove down to Nesbit MS to photograph the wedding. It was a great day and a great shoot and I cant wait to get all the pics edited and sent to the happy couple. Other than the wedding I have been shooting famly and newborn photos, getting ready for my mini session coming up and scheduling a lot of fall family photos. More posts to come promise :)